Mexico Beach Part 3: The People
A Multi-Generational Town With just a few hours left before we would head back to Orlando, Walter and I drove over to the local ACE Hardware to meet Al Cathey, life-long resident and current mayor of Mexico Beach. When we arrived at the store, which was Al’s family business, he was in his element, shaking […]
Mexico Beach Part 2: The Sand Palace
Settling in at Mexico Beach After we unloaded our bags, we headed back down US 98 to meet the owners of “The Sand Palace”. With spotty cell service, GPS was of no use and we had trouble locating the house. We also couldn’t figure out where to look for street names, as most of the […]
Mexico Beach Part 1: The Road to the Forgotten Coast
The Story of Hurricane Michael and the “Sand Palace” Part one of a three-part series US 98 is one of the longest roads in the state of Florida. Its 670-mile reach runs northwest from Palm Beach to Pensacola, then rambles on past the Alabama border. At a friend’s suggestion, this was the route I took from […]